Promotional Film Poster from "Away We Go"
I minored in film studies just for the love it. One of my first film professor's suggested deconstructing popular films such as "Airplane" to see what it says about us as a society. In "Something Borrowed" I would have to say that film just says as a society we are mean spirited. Where is the humanity? The characters were just immoral and downright awful to each other. I am not saying everything has to be Disney but lord how about some really interesting characters that are human and humane at the same time. I wanted to see this film because I really liked John Krasinski in "Away We Go". He was even good in "Something Borrowed" in a much smaller part. Go see "Away We Go" especially if you have young kids. It is lovely and heartfelt and true. Still love Maggie Gylenhaal's portrayal of a very tightly wound, over bearing mum; a reminder for me personally of how I do not want to mother, but as for "Something Borrowed" skip it. Do something good for a neighbor, like bake a loaf of bread. You will feel lovely and good instead of blue.