Saturday, September 24, 2011

Something Blue

I think I am not supposed to write negative things on a blog.  After all, my favorite writers seem to always post positive thoughts and opinions.  Alas, I tried for a couple of  months to be non-negative, it ends today.  The post though is nothing life or death, it is about a film I saw on a plane a couple of weeks ago, "Something Borrowed".  Ugh.  I love film in general but this film just was sad. I mean bad sad.

Promotional Film Poster from "Away We Go"

  I minored in film studies just for the love it. One of my first film professor's  suggested deconstructing popular films such as "Airplane" to see what it says about us as a society.  In "Something Borrowed" I would have to say that film just says as a society we are mean spirited.  Where is the humanity?  The characters were just immoral and downright awful to each other.  I am not saying everything has to be Disney but lord how about some really interesting characters that are human and humane at the same time.  I wanted to see this film because I really liked John Krasinski in "Away We Go".  He was even good in "Something Borrowed" in a much smaller part. Go see "Away We Go" especially if you have young kids.  It is lovely and heartfelt and true. Still love Maggie Gylenhaal's portrayal of a very tightly wound, over bearing mum; a reminder for me personally of how I do not want to mother, but as for "Something Borrowed" skip it.  Do something good for a neighbor, like bake a loaf of bread.  You will feel lovely and good instead of blue.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen the movie, but I generally do prefer to avoid movies that are going to try to convince me that the world is a sad or bad place. If a movie is done well, and even if it has theme that you don't agree with, it really can make you feel sad for a long time. That can be ok as long as it doesn't also give the message "And the situation is hopeless!" Because it isn't. Movies and literature are supposed to help us progress ourselves as humans, by raising our compassion, our ability to see things through another's eyes. If the movie brings you to a place of hopelessness I think its missed its opportunity and yeah, I would rather spend my energy someplace else.

    Btw, the commenting system is weird. It is linking to my own personal, almost entirely neglected blog. I don't blog much for fun since I write stuff all day long.
