Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Make a Scarecrow Family

I am not creative.  Knowing my weaknesses, I decided to go door to door in my neighborhood and recruit a project manager for my afternoon craft project.  Sophia and I needed direction and ideas to build our front yard scarecrows.  We knocked on 3 doors until finally our neighbor Joni said she was in (not that she was our last pick we simply went down the row.....most of our neighbors all have grown children and are wonderful with Sophia).  Even neighbors who turned us down for helping donated clothes and straw for the project.

Thank you Joni!!! You were the creative master of our project.  I think the key to our success was the amazing Colorado weather, the very lovely neighbors and the fact that we just wanted to have fun.  The end project was  not the goal, but the goal was in the making of the 3 wacky figures and having fun during the process.

Items we used:
3 pair of overalls
3 shirts preferably button down
pumpkin material
plastic grocery bags
safety pins
pillow cases

about 2 hours mainly because we just had fun and were often sidetracked by Sophia finger painting everything

Heavily stuff clothing with crumpled newspaper-great job for 4 yr old
Stuff cuffs with some hay and tie off with twine
stuff pillow cases with newspaper for heads and cover with plastic bag
cut out pumpkin heads and glue on fun stuff to make faces
staple foam to plastic bags
attach heads with safety pins
giggle at outcome and invite neighbors over to see.  Fun stuff :)
Surprise daddy when he comes from work.

Not buying cheaply made crap from store and the fun we had.
I think to be more green we could have used the actual pumpkins that grew in our compost but we had problems with propping up the weight, plus Sophia had a blast gluing on bright shiny objects to make the faces.

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